Hi fellow modelers the Alkiviades bust is now available and you can follow the painting process by master painter CHRISTOS PANAGIOTOPOULOS at Planet Figure forum http://www.planetfigure.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43140
Hello all i'm so pleased to show you the BIG RED ONE bust painted by my friend the master painter Jan Paul Dana He has painted it with oil Winsor & Newton cheers LB
Hi gents here the 1/16 des kit news based on the 12018 This is an other fallschirmjager with mp40 it can be used with the head with the helmet regards laurent
Hi fellow modelers you have painted one of LB MINIATURES busts, you have taken pics of it. we would be pleased to publish them on our blog.If you are interested send us your photos at our address and we put it on this site. cheers LB MINIATURES team
Finally I decided to paint myself the last bust i sculpted, this is the first time i was painting since more than 2 years here are some pics regards Laurent